Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Privacy Policy

Apparently Google says I have to post a notice on this blog...I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about! I don't use advertisers, as far as I know I don't use cookies...I love to eat cookies, but I'm pretty sure that's not what they are talking about. Beyond that I have no idea about the cookie thing! I don't collect peoples names...I think I had one person comment on my blog...pretty sad I know! But I don't personally save any ones name or number or any information for that matter! I just want to write my blog about what has been going on in my little corner of the world. Show the quilt blocks I've been working on and share the Quilt A Longs I'm playing along in. I don't understand how I can be responsible for keeping people who visit my blog safe. Personally I think it should be up to the blog developer...I'm technically savvy enough to get me into trouble! As in loose my blog post before I can publish it...yes I have done that! If you want to know more about Googles EU User consent policy here is the link they gave me...  https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy-help.html Although I'm not even sure if they can see my blog anymore!  As you can see it isn't that easy to follow, or maybe it's just me and I need a nap, maybe a couple cookies first!
So this is the privacy Policy and
This is me!

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