Monday, September 30, 2013

The beginning....

I'm not good at blogging...I always can think of wonderful things to write, but it's usually when I'm away from the computer. By the time I get to the computer I forgot what I wanted to write about! But we are on this adventure and I have so many fun stories to tell! Plus I want to remember our new start in Kentucky!

We moved to Kentucky the beginning of this year. We left Florida. I love Florida. My husband has never lived anywhere else and thought he would never leave. We loved our home. We had an addition added on and remodeled the kitchen....I loved my kitchen. But the economy has a way of making things happen...that and prayers to find the answers of what to do.  What to do about hubby being out of work for over 2 years and when he finally gets a job doesn't make enough for the mortgage company to even want to talk to me. We didn't spend foolishly, we didn't have a bunch of debt, we didn't have car payments and our home was not out of our budget...until my hubby lost his job.

So bad things happen to good people, but for a reason. For some reason we are suppose to be here, in Kentucky away from the beach and my beautiful kitchen. We rent a home now, I miss owning my own home. I miss the room we had and of course my kitchen...did I mention how much I loved it! But I have faith and dreams and there is so many beautiful old homes here...Queen Anne homes! I drool!!! But then the farms around here! I would love a hobby farm, raise a few goats for milk and cheese, chickens for eggs, plant some apple trees and maybe a pecan tree or two! And definitely a garden. I love to walk out the back door and pick a salad for dinner!

Speaking of dinner, I've been trying out all sorts of new recipes since we moved. I've always loved to try new recipes out and change them to suit the family. So I'll be posting those here too, along with my daily happenings and mishaps and just life in general.
So this is Sheila and this is Kentucky!