Happy Puppy! |
I haven't mentioned Indy in a while. He's had a little problem with his legs and it's been a long month and a half for him. He's been restricted to the house to rest his back leg. Somehow he pulled or tore his CCL it's the same as an ACL in people (the ligament that connects the bone above the knee with the bone below the knee). He was miserable being stuck inside. He loves being in his back yard, sitting on his hill and overlooking what he considers "HIS" territory... which happens to be every ones back yard! We have a view of 3 yards after the bottom of the hill, the yard to the left (where 6 dogs live and Indy loves them all!) and on the right is a yard and view of the side street. So he has a lot to keep an eye on. With fall the view increases to the club house further down hill. So he has a whole lot of territory to protect and that's how Great Pyrenees are, what they see they consider theirs and if it's theirs they must protect it! So he barks. A LOT, that's also what Pyrs are known for, barking.
The days were nice and cool when I took these pictures and he loves the cooler weather. I would too if I couldn't take off that fur coat! His leg wasn't getting any better, but it wasn't getting worse, so I let him out. He kept looking back at me to see if he had to come back in. I've been walking him for his potty breaks on his lead and I was happy not to have to go down that hill! Let's just say it's a good hill for sledding!
Indy surveying his territory. |
The other day I noticed the leaves changing on our maple tree. The other trees in our area are dropping leaves already, but full color hasn't happened yet. My hubby thinks it'll be a bad winter because of all the crickets. What kind of old wives tales do you know concerning the weather? I have a feeling he's right, but the
woolly worm I just saw was more rust than black which means a milder winter. I've been stocking up on supplies, either way if it's cold out I'd rather stay in!
I hope you're staying warm!