March was a horrible month. The 9th was the worse day I've had since my dad pasted in 1996. If you follow my blog you'll know that my dog Indy had hurt his knee and had to have 3 surgeries. Well, on the morning of March 9th the vet called and had to talk about Indy's progress. It sounded serious, I thought they were going to tell me they would have to take his leg. Unfortunately it was much worse. His leg wasn't healing and he was having secondary issues. To make a long story short I had to say goodbye to my best friend, my protector, my constant companion. I cried. I cried all day for days. I cried constantly. At one point I had no tears left to cry. Indy was an amazing dog, the best dog I've ever owned or known. I still picture him sitting on our hill keeping a look out and protecting every ones yard. This blog was started just before we got him and if you want to see him as a puppy and hear a bit more about him go here or check on the blog archive toward the bottom.
I decided to help me deal with his untimely passing I would do the 100 day project. Everyday I would work on a picture of Indy. Some would be quick, some would take days, some would just be line drawings and others would be colored pencil. I even plan to try a quilt art with thread painting of him. So far I've finished a few before the 100 day project started and one after...not too good so far, but that's okay.
The other thing I wanted to do to help me through this was to foster Great Pyrenees dogs through the National Great Pyrenees Rescue. That is how I heard about the breed and if it wasn't for NGPR I would never have thought to get Indy. Indy wasn't a rescue we bought him from a goat farm that breed their working dogs. I signed up and was finally given the green light.
We picked up our first foster on April 9th. Her name is Gracie and she was surrendered because of behavior problems. I'm going to say the behavior problems must have been them, because she's a sweetheart! She wasn't good with sit, down or come but after just a short time she learned them and has been a perfect lady. She has become very attached to me and has followed me everywhere. Today was the first day she went downstairs to lay, probably because it was cooler. She gets very excited when my husband comes home, which has captured my husband's heart. So much so that he doesn't want to let her we adopted her! Yes a foster fail!. I know since she's been with us I'm able to talk about Indy without too many tears. Every now and than I still tear up, but not like before. She's a lot smaller than Indy, only weighing in at 80lbs. I think it's funny when people say she's a big dog. Indy weighed 135lbs, though he was overweight and definitely caused more problems with his knee.
Meet Gracie, isn't that face the sweetest! And can you see those eyelashes!

Since I already have a long blog post I show the rest of the projects I've been working on in a couple of days.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and may all your UFOs be few!